Week 01 – Introduction

Why do skinny people have slow metabolisms? Why is fast food healthier than food you prepare at home? Why doesn’t your metabolism slow down as you get older?

The Weight Equation is a combination of tools dedicated to helping you understand and take control of your body weight. Here you will find an e-book, podcast, blog, resources, and a step by step plan to do just that. I bet you’ve heard and read thousands of different “facts” about what affects your body weight. If you’re like most people, the information overload has you more confused than ever! It doesn’t help that half of the information you hear seems to contradict the other half. One week a Stanford study will tell you how a high protein diet will help you lose weight and the next week a study out of Princeton will tell you rats in a lab lost the most weight on an all fruit diet.

Over the next 52 weeks, The Weight Equation will cut through the madness and give you all the information you will ever need to control your body weight. Each week a new “chapter” in The Weight Equation e-book will be posted. Most of you reading this are probably interested in losing weight but you may be very surprised to learn that there are many people interested in gaining weight. The principles you will learn from The Weight Equation will help you accomplish your goals regardless of what they are.

It’s not rocket science but it is science! You’ll hear me say this a lot. Once you understand the basic science and math behind your body weight you can filter out all the rest of the garbage society throws at you every day. You’ll be able to focus only on what matters. Everyone’s body follows a quite simple mass balance equation and once you understand that equation the proverbial door is open for you and the sky is the limit! What is a mass balance equation you ask? It’s a fancy term scientists use to describe the relationship between something entering a system and something leaving. In The Weight Equation, the “system” is your body and calories are the “something” entering and leaving. In any mass balance equation there are only three possibilities. The rate at which something enters a system can be greater than, less than, or equal to the rate at which it leaves. The Weight Equation is going to try to go very light on the math but it is absolutely pivotal that you understand the concept of mass balance. There are three possible outcomes of The Weight Equation:

If Calories In > Calories Out THEN you gain weight

If Calories In < Calories Out THEN you lose weight

If Calories In = Calories Out THEN your weight stays constant

I started The Weight Equation because I am extremely passionate about nutrition and its effects on body weight, composition, and athletics. Every day I see people struggle to make sense of all the information about nutrition that is constantly shot at them from every conceivable direction. A lot of the information is completely false or taken out of context, and it is repeated so often, by so many people, it is eventually taken as truth. I hear these nutritional fallacies propagated every day and it really sets me off. I’m well known for turning an innocent comment like: “well vegetables are really healthy for you”, into an hour long nutritional lecture. I just can’t help myself, when I hear these nutritional fallacies it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. I decided to put everything down in one place, so I can avoid this urge to educate everybody I meet on nutrition. Now I can just point them here and the world should be a better place!

The Weight Equation e-book will have three different types of chapters. The first series of chapters will be informational in nature. In these early chapters I will describe different types of food and how your body processes each. This part may seem like more of a college lecture than anything else but stick with it because once you understand the basics of nutrition you will have all the building blocks you need to construct the exact body you desire. The following chapters will all build off of these principals and reference the earlier chapters.

The next series of chapters is where it gets really fun! This is where you get to apply the information you learned earlier to the real world. You will see conventional nutrition wisdom in a whole new light. I will explain why skinny people have a tougher time losing weight than heavy people. You will read about why a lot of fat in your diet is a good thing and how you could lose 25 lbs in one week! I will be constantly referring back to concepts from the first series of informational entries so make sure you understand those entries before skipping to this series, it will be worth it.

The final type of chapter will lay out The Weight Equation Steps or The WE Steps for short. The WE Steps are a step by step plan you can follow to make sure you are focusing on the right thing at the right time in your journey for the perfect weight. A big part of the problem with the way our society attacks weight is to try to do 10 different things at once. Whenever you do ten things at once you don’t do any one thing particularly well. On top of that many people focus the majority of their energy on the wrong things first while neglecting the more important things and it crushes their progress. The WE Steps will lay out the process so you can focus and win. These chapters will be mixed in with the rest of the chapters of the e-book.

So far I’ve focused on the e-book however The Weight equation will also consist of tools and resources to help you along the way such as spreadsheets, calculators, tutorials, products, and individual coaching. I will do a podcast summarizing each of the e-book chapters for those of you who prefer to consume your information verbally. I will also post some blog entries from time to time. If there is an interest, I will blog and podcast more often after the 52-week e-book has been completely published.

Download Podcast: “Week 01 – Introduction”

Please enjoy the powerful information I am sharing in The Weight Equation but remember the information here is meant to help you control your weight and not to treat or cure a specific disease. I am NOT a medical doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist. I am simply passionate about the subject. Please consult with your doctor, dietician, or nutritionist before implementing any diet.